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For use of the Steam Fire Engine
0n the 28th november 1905 the price rose to £7.7s.0d
but other rates did not change
For the use of the Manual
Pumpers and other helpers 6p per hour
Services of Captain
Services of Vice Captain
Services of Firemen 2/- first hour
Services of Firemen 1/- per hour thereafter
Horse Hire long or short distances including driver
Refreshments according to circumstances
Calling Firemen for T own Fire
Calling firemen for Country Fires


In pre decimal English 1902 currency
£1 240 pennies
1s 12 pennies
£5.5s.0d 5 guineas (5 pounds, 5 shillings)
£7.7.0p 7 guineas (7 pounds, 7 shillings)




The original document is not in good condition I have therefore transcribed them as closely as I could.

These charges were enacted by the council at a meeting on 4th September 1902. They were amended as can be seen by a meeting on November 28th 1905.

Researching the charges will depend upon the readers language and currency.

For those not familiar with decimal currency I've added an explanation of English Currency in 1902.format
£1= 100pence
15s = 75pence
10s = 50pence
5s = 25pence
1s =5 pence