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During the war Zeppalins raided various towns and some were shot down But during 1916 the German tactics changed and squdrons of Bombers raided Towns and Cities using the "Gotha" Planes these carried larger loads and were more acurate News of this no doubt started stretcher drills being included in the work of the brigade.

Manual engine drill in meadow and hose cart and stretcher drills.most of the crew were trained first aiders.


The Crew
Cpt F. A. Beale,
Fm J Davis
Fm C Jerome,
Fm C Simkins,
Fm F Bell,
Fm H Appleton,
Fm L Noyce,
Fm R Child,
Fm C Dowling,
Fm G Lindrea,
Fm E Horner,
Fm E Ironside,
Fm C Irwin