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A sad occasion involving the death of a soldier.

They were camping in some hay rick's when a fire broke out the soldier is named as Private John James Bennett of the South Wales Borderers
At the inquest, the verdict was that he was found suffocated and burnt
Another soldier not named is accused of starting the fire and when tried there was found to be insufficient evidence to convict him and he is discharged.
The cost of the damage was estimated as £1000
The owner of the rick Mr F Hartigen of Weyhill.

The Crew
Cpt F. A. Beale,
Sub Cpt H Noyce,
Fm J Davis,
Fm J Bull,
Fm C Jerome,
Fm C Simkins,
Fm Archer,

Again B Smith is noted as in attendance and paid, but at the lower rate of 2/-

The fire was reported as starting at 1030 pm and the call was received at 1145 pm The discrepancy in the times probably struck the captain as a circumstance he should record in view of the death and possible prosecution.